Category Archives: Cincinnati

March madness aka SXSW

Haven’t been able to write as much lately because I’ve been distracted by the South By Southwest (SXSW) Festival here in Austin, Texas.

It officially started last Wednesday with SXSW Interactive (i.e., techno geeks), while SXSW Film started this weekend and SXSW Music starts this coming Tuesday.

Every year during spring break Austin’s downtown area turns into a madhouse, and somehow I get caught in the middle of it all.

But at least it’s a paying gig.

Nothing much to be excited about right now anyway, except for Peyton Manning’s health and Tim Tebow’s sex life. Both are questionable.

That said, I am well aware of the mediocrity called Texas basketball. Looks like the University of Texas Longhorns managed to sneak into the big dance, despite a lackluster record of 20-13 overall and 8-7 in the Big 12 conference.

Friday, March 16, the Longhorns meet Cincinnati (24-10) in Nashville, Tennessee. I’m thinking the Longhorns are one and done. The ‘horns have no star to rally around and lack cohesiveness as a team. I just don’t see how they can gel at the NCAA tournament level.

But odds are writing what I just wrote increases their chances of winning.